This is a post (which I anonymized for posting purposes) just placed on an AWS experts board.
“…. This past July the aws server was hacked and Ransomwared. There was a snapshot to restore from, but it was a few weeks old, so, reluctantly, we went through all the many hoops of paying them in Bitcoin. It took several weeks to go through the process but the data was finally restored last month. ”
“…6 weeks later, it happened again, only this time not only the server data was compromised, but the snapshots, eveyr one dating back to the original in early August, also featuring the “Your Files are Encrypted!” letter of doom. ”
“… anything can be done to extract the data, as those messages were not present on the date the snapshots were made, so perhaps it a trojan horse that was date related? If anyone has any experience with this, it was be a tremendous help. Am beside myself over this.”
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