09/12/2021 by Mike Honner

Filed under Programming

Last modified 09/12/2021

Reading some AWS docs the other day and found something interesting. It’s possible to create RAID Level 0 and 1 EBS volumes for your EC2 instances. It doesn’t provide multi-zone failover like EFS, but Level 0 would be great for a database not supported by RDS. The throughput of the Level 0 EBS volumes attached to the instance is the sum of throughput of all volumes attached, perfect for high I/O databases. You won’t get additional durability of data since the data is striped across the volumes and the loss of one volume will still result in failure of all volumes. Level 1 gives you mirroring of ebs volume which does not improve I/O but will create synchronized volumes in the same availabiity zone. Even though EBS is a very reliable technology that rarely fails – there’s always a chance.That’s a little more peace of mind when considering the low cost of EBS volumes.

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