Several weeks ago, a provisioning error inside Google’s Cloud Platform (GCP) accidentally deleted the account of UniSuper, an Australian pension fund with over 165 billion in assets (USD) and 620,000 users. The outage lasted until data could be restored from another cloud provider which acted as a backup repository for UniSuper’s applications and data. When the GCP account was deleted all data including the GCP backups associated with the account were irretrievably lost. Fortunately, the cross cloud platform backup saved the day.
What happens in AWS when you delete your account ? AWS has a 90 day post closure window from the time you (or AWS) terminates the account. When your AWS account is closed, all services are suspended but nothing is deleted for 90 days. You can re-open your account within 90 days without data loss by contacting AWS Support.
Google Accidentally Deleted A Cloud Account With $125 Billion Pension Funds
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